Sunday, July 22, 2012

I'm Not Into Titles Right Now

I need to find a baby in Chicago
Silent burp-a-baby-until-you-find
-an-unexpected-way-to-die improv 
scenes just won't suffice right now.
I need to find a baby in Chicago
One that really drinks and wets!
It will sleep when I sleep and
when it's awake it will look up
at me and smile and when I smell 
its head I will be one with the 
sun, the moon, the stars. But first,
I need to find a baby in Chicago
I'll teach it to say mamamama
and stand across the room with
my arms outstretched, waiting
for the first step to come and into 
my arms it will enter toddlerdom.
The two of us will go for stroller 
walks and stop for ice cream if 
the feeling's right, then onward
past the weary folks with dogs 
we'll babble back and forth in code.
I need to find a baby in Chicago

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